How do you learn about soil?


All are doing business and jobs, so how can People go to School, but some people will go for training. I am a geek and designer of drip irrigation system, so learned from all those things by visiting several places and researches.
I suppose what little I do know I've just learned as needed. If I am working on a particular project, say - growing tomatoes, I will google "best soil for tomatoes" and I kind of go off on a tangent from there. I guess it works for me.

In my experience once you learn the basics, it's just about learning what kind of nutrients different types of plants require to really thrive.

Is there something in particular you're working on ?


Staff member
Most of the people here learn about Soil from Internet and in these days we see plenty of online Videos on YouTube explaining in different languages. I would prefer an offline training to get education on soil or anything as they show personally.