Recent content by simonweb

  1. simonweb

    Nature lovers

    Yes! I believe that if you have a sincere interest in gardening, you'll also be very likely to enjoy the outdoors and nature. Spending time outside and near nature makes me feel calm and happy after a long and hectic work week. It also makes me appreciate this beautiful and fragile world we're...
  2. simonweb

    New gardener mistakes

    That's a good list, thanks for sharing. :) I would add that another common mistake is that you don't have enough variety in your plants. When you plan your garden, make sure that you choose a good variety of plants that bloom during different periods of the year so that your garden will look...
  3. simonweb

    Green thumb

    I don't have natural green thumbs, but I try my hardest to learn and get better. My dream is to one day have a big and wonderful garden that can attract both bees and insects. And using chemicals and/or inorganic fertilizers is a big No!
  4. simonweb


    I had a lovely cat living with me for almost ten years who just LOVED eating on every single plant. So obviously I couldn't have a big variety of household plants - especially not any plants that are toxic for cats. Some of my current plants are: so I have a bunch of spider plants (which is...
  5. simonweb


    Hello everyone! My name is Simon and I recently joined this forum. I'm interested in gardening and household plants. I'm not that knowledgable about stuff like this, but I sincerely hope and thinks that this community can help me learn more. See you in the forums!