Recent content by Jayson

  1. Jayson

    Gardening on Hills and Mountains

    What are some special challenges? Well, it seems like the soil would be harder to control. Is that why they use terracing?
  2. Jayson

    Using Manure for Fertilizer

    Is it cheaper than fertilizer? Well, animals cost a lot to raise. Anyway, I'm sure manure is as good as fertilizer. Who agrees?
  3. Jayson

    Solar Energy for Lawnmowers

    I don't see an economical advantage for big machines, generally. Nonetheless, for small machines, it seems do-able. However, though, even in this world gasoline shortage, $2 can still mow most of my big lawn, if not all of it.
  4. Jayson

    Fertilizer Shortages

    War between Russia and Ukraine has caused a fertilizer shortage. How would you deal with it, if it affected you personally? What are some ways around it?
  5. Jayson

    Dealing with Drought

    Many places have droughts at times. How do you deal with it? Well, one way is via irrigation, where water is brought to plants artificially.
  6. Jayson

    Do some plants keep away pests?

    I don't know of any carnivorous plants except the Venus Fly Trap. Anyway, how exactly are the plants repelling insects? Do they give off some odor?
  7. Jayson

    How can I make a cheap greenhouse at home?

    6 Cheap Ways To Build A Greenhouse - PrepperFortress Who can add to the list? Anyway, a car is quite hot. That's why you shouldn't leave animals locked in them without A/C. What makes a car so hot inside in certain conditions?
  8. Jayson

    Ginseng Plants

    Where I live, in the Appalachian Mountains of the USA, ginseng grows and can be profitable, if only you know how to spot it. What are some methods? Has anyone spotted ginseng and/or have made money from it?
  9. Jayson

    Black Soil

    What are some advantages of black soil? Do you feel it's overrated? Well, the blacker the soil, then the more farmers it seems like.
  10. Jayson


    Anyone know much about it? Well, CBD products have become profitable. Anyway, where I live in the southern Appalachians, there is excellent weather for hemp.
  11. Jayson

    The Effect of Smoke on Leaves

    I burned some trash recently. This caused the leaves of a close tree to turn all colored like when it is fall. Is the tree still, O.K.? What can be done to make it green again?
  12. Jayson

    Do you like mowing the lawn?

    How tough is the lawn? I mean, some might require some bush-hog or something! Anyway, a tough lawn can kill a regular mower - or a weed-eater!
  13. Jayson

    Gardening for Kids

    Gardening for Kids
  14. Jayson

    Are today's kids ignorant of gardening?

    Are today's kids ignorant of gardening?
  15. Jayson

    Who has taken vocational courses related to gardening?

    Who has taken vocational courses related to gardening?