Recent content by Bandit

  1. Bandit

    Hello from California

    Thank you everyone for the kind greetings. I'm back to have another look around. keep up the great work folks!
  2. Bandit

    Data Lost

    Well I am glad that you managed to recover what you did. I just started a new site and I'm backing it up twice a week lol
  3. Bandit

    Which vegetable you won't eat?

    I actually just tried raw spinach and I actually liked it. Yay me lol!
  4. Bandit

    Hello from California

    Thank you Shiva, great to meet you too.
  5. Bandit

    Data Lost

    That sucks. I just had to do a complete backup restore on my own website just yesterday. A bad mod install caused a fatal error i could not correct. So yeah, always make backups kids lol
  6. Bandit

    Which vegetable you won't eat?

    I wont eat most vegetables tbh. I eat tonnes of fruit every day but as for Veg, nope i can't do it
  7. Bandit

    Hello from California

    Hi everyone :) Mitch here from Scotland originally but been living in California the past 10 years. 51 years old just trying to live the dream.